The Kill Order Blog Post

 My book blog is about “The Kill Order” but before I can tell you about “The Kill Order” I need to tell you about the other books first. This book is a realistic fiction. I would believe that this is realistic fiction because all the stuff that wicked would do could actually happen. All the other books which are “The Maze Runner”, “The Scorch Trialsl”, “The Death Cure” are all mainly about a company named wicked who are trying to find a cure. The people wicked are trying to make kids go through these test which were the maze and “The Scorch Trials”, and “The Death Cure”.  “The Kill Order” is a prequel before everything had started. The characters are Mark, Trina, Alec, Lana, Misty, The Toad, and Darnell. They are all survivors of the sun flares which is an disease. After a while a lot of the characters have died. Now it’s down to a Mark,Alec,Triana and Lana. The rest had died from the disease that had gotten into their brains which made them go insane. They meet a girl name Dee Dee. They start to bring her along the journey. She is immune to the disease for some reason. Everyone slowly starts getting sick except for Dee Dee. But in order to find out what happens you need to read the book called “The Kill Order” in order to find out if Mark,Alec,Triana,and Lana to see if they live or not.


  1. I've read all of those books before they're really good.

  2. I am so lost because I did not read the books, but I feel like with some editing, I will be able to understand what you are describing a little bit better. Let's talk Monday! Keep up with your reading! You're doing great in class!


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